This special package of a high power compound microscope with 100-piece prepared slide kit and the microscope book, Book of The Microscope, is designed for students to learn science in biology. The microscope offers five levels of magnifications, 40X, 100X, 250X, 400X and 1000X. It has full optical glass elements and all metal body construction with coarse & fine focusing. It comes with a molded ABS case. The 100-piece prepared slide set includes assorted specimens of plants, insects and animal tissues, packed in a fine storage box. The book investigates the enormous variety of objects too small for the eye to see. Step-by-step diagrams show how to get the best from a microscope and how to make and keep slides. It covers different types of microscopes and there are plenty of exciting suggestions for projects which reveal the incredible detail of everyday objects. This is a great entry-level microscope package for home school or for students and hobbyists.
The specimens include: Pig Adipose Cell, Mouse Cuboidal Epithelium, Dog Colurmar Epithelium, Dog Cohuunar Ciliated, Paramecium-Conjugation, Paramecium-Fission, Hydra, Hydra Plain and Budding, Planaria, Blood Fluke - Eggs, Taenia Pisiformis, Ascaris, Mosquito-Female, Mole Cricket Leg, Mantis Leg, Dog Tongue, Dog Stomach Cardiac Region, Dog Stomach Pyloric Region, Pig Liver, Rabbit Venae Cavac, Mouse Kidney, Dog Urinary Bladder, Skin - Hair - Follicle, Rabbit Ganglia, Dog Olfactory Membrane, Mouse Ovary, Frog Spermatozoa, Bulgarious, Lichen, Maroharttis Archegortia, Marchantia Aritheridis, Polytrichum, Polytrichum Antheridia, Polytrichum Archegonis, Fern Root, Fern Stem, Fern Leaf Sorus, Pine Stem, Pine Cone-Female, Vicia Faba Root, Tipm, Ranunculus Root, Pisum Seed, Stem Cork Cell, Nymphaea, Nymphaea of Apustio Stem, Pelargonium, of Leaf, Striated Muscle, Stem Sieve Tube and Companion Cell, Planaria, Dense Connective Tissue, Loose Connective Tissue, Aspergillus, Injected Lung, Injected Kidney, Trematodes Miracidia, Male Mosquito, Mosquito Eggs, Female Drosophila, Male Drosophila, Drosophila-Larva, Drosophila-Chrysalis, Frog-Vnsegmented Egg, Frog - Holoblastic Cleavage, Frog - Cleavage, Frog - Blastule, Cucurbita, Pine Pollen, Plasmodesmata, Silver Berry Scaly Hair, Peacock Feather, Dandelion Fuzz, Feather, Fibre, House Fly Leg, House Fly Wing, Corn Starch, Butterfly Leg, Ascarid Egg, Leaf of Winter Jasmine, Frog - Early Gastrula, Frog - Gastrula, Ant, Vegetable Pollen, Silkworm Moth Antennae, Fruit, Peach Worm, Butterfly Antennae, Cotton Worm, Shrimp Egg, Letter E, Root Bacteria, Typical Animal Cell, Typical Plant Cell, Cotton Leaf, Cotton Stem, Young Root of Broad Bean, Soya Stem, Silkworm Moth Larva, Pea Pollen, Ciliated Epithelium.
- Five Levels of Magnification: 40X-100X-250X-400X-1000X
- 100pc Assorted Specimens of Plants, Insects and Animal Tissues
- Beautiful ABS Box
- The Book Shows How to Get the Best from a Microscope and How to Make and Keep Slides
- Fully Coated Optical System Giving Clear Images
- Great Instrument for Viewing Biological Slide Specimens
- Excellent Instrument Easy to Operate
- Ideal Scope for Students and Home Schools!
- Three DIN Achromatic Objectives
- Two Eyepieces Included
- Precise Ground Glass Lens
- Optical Glass Elements
- Solid Metal Frame Construction
- All Metal Mechanical Components
- Substage Light Aperture Adjustment Dial
- Rack-Stop Mechanism to Protect Slides and Objectives
- Coarse and Fine Focusing with Control Knobs on Both Sides
- Rugged Solid Metal Frame
- No Danger to Your Kits - Mirror Reflected Nature Light Illumination
- Manufactured under ISO 9001 Quality Control System
- Excellent Five (5) Year Manufacturer Warranty
- Head: upright monocular
- Nosepiece: triple
- Mechanical Tube: 6-1/4" (160mm)
- Eyepieces: wide-field 10X and 25X
- Objectives: 4X (0.1 NA), 10X (0.25 NA), 40X (0.65 NA)
- Microscope Box: ABS
- Stage Dimensions: 3-1/2" x 3-1/2"
Packing List :
- One Monocular Microscope
- Three Objectives, 4X, 10X and 40X
- One Widefield 10X Eyepiece
- One Widefield 25X Eyepiece
- Two Clips
- One ABS Case
- User's Manual Download
- One 100pc Prepared Slide Kit (PS100A)
- One Microscope Book (BK-BOTM)
- Shipping Weight: 10 lbs